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5 Useful Tips for Those Moving With a Cat

Sep/10/2021 12:00 PM- Moving -

If you ever lived with felines, you must know that they are generally territorial beings who are not the biggest fans of changes. So, if you are moving with a cat, it's time to read some tips and tricks to help you and your loved kitty get through the process easier. Being the feline lovers that we are, we've compiled only the most useful of hacks, so let's get to them

A girl holding her cat in a hug

The Best Tips for Moving With a Cat

If you want to succeed in relocating efficiently with cats you'll have to endure some planning. While feline pets generally aren't the biggest fans of change, you should know that any relocation with pets has to be thoroughly thought out - even if you own the most easy-going of animals. So, to assist you, we've compiled a list of the best tips to take into consideration prior to relocation, during your move, and after it, and avoid any relocation mistakes that commonly arise.

Is Moving Stressful for Cats?

There might be a lot of questions going through your head: are cats traumatized by moving? Is moving with a cat bad? Will my pet ever adjust to the new setting? Easy there, relocation isn't the end of the world - neither for you nor your feline. Of course, nobody enjoys relocation - not even people.

So, if you, who can understand what a move is, can still experience anxiety about moving out, understand your pets might as well. And while you should aim for a stress-free move, you should also try to educate yourself about stress-inducing factors for your furry friend, so you know how best to deal with them.

A cat napping on a bed

#1 Make Sure You Prepare Your Feline for the Upcoming Changes

The first set of our relocation tips relate to the things on your to-do list that are to happen prior to the actual relocation. These will help your feline experience the transition smoothly and not get too fussy about it. But, in order for that to happen, you'll have to organize your move and introduce your pet to objects such as the carrier.

Moving a Cat Requires Introducing Them to a Carrier

Figuring out how to move with a cat from a house to an apartment or another address will require a few relocation hacks. Because most pets associate carriers with the visit to the vet, they are not always too eager to enter their transporters on demand. However, not all cats have this experience. If your veterinarian comes to your home, or the animal never experienced trauma from visiting the vet, they might not have a problem with going into a carrier.

Still, it's a good idea to place the carrier somewhere in the house, and leave it open for a few days or even weeks. That way, your animal will have the opportunity to explore the space at its own pace. It can smell it, go inside or even sleep there. The object might become more alluring if you place their blanket, toy, or food inside. After some time, that is, when the relocation comes, they should be okay with the transporter enough so that it doesn't cause stress.

A cat inside of a carrier box

#2 Update the New Home Address on the Collar of Your Pet

Just as you'll have to deal with bureaucracy and change your voter registration, your address and update your driver's license, so should your cat. Most importantly, you'll want to update the collar information of your animal. That is because, in the first days of your move, your furry friend might not agree with your decision on where to live, and so they might choose to escape. Don't worry, that doesn't happen too often, but just in case, update the address prior to the move, and consider having them chipped, if they already aren't.

Check Their Health With the Vet

No matter if you decide to get a chip at this moment or not before you move, you should still remember to pay a visit to the vet. In case you are relocating further away, you'll have to take your animal's documentation and could even get a recommendation from their health expert on which medical facility to transfer them for their obligatory shots. Likewise, they could recommend ways to deal with the cat's relocation anxiety in relation to their medical history, and might even recommend calming medication if they consider them necessary.

A vet holding a cute cat

#3 Keep Your Pet Secure While a Moving Company Employees Are Around the House

Cats tend to get used to the way a house is organized, so relocating furniture might be a stressful experience for them. Not to mention that they might want to explore the house while it's being packed up and moved, leading to a possibility of injuries. Because of that, it is a good idea to keep your feline at bay while relocating large items. This would best be done by closing them up in a different room, at a pet hotel or a friend's place.

Try to Leave Your Pet With a Friend Prior to Relocation

While we understand that you might want to avoid unnecessary relocation of your feline, if you are trying to figure out how to move with cats safely, you might have to leave them with your friend for a few days as a way of preparing your place for movers. As mentioned earlier, cats are curious and fast, so they can easily slip out of rooms you're trying to keep them in. So, depending on how long the move will last, you should consider leaving them with someone else, as well as their food and litter box. Of course, if a shorter relocation is at hand, there might not be a need for that.

Make Sure the New Apartment Is Deeply Cleaned Before Relocation Day

Before you relocate to your future apartment, you should make sure that it has been deeply cleaned. Kitties are very sensitive to smells, so if an animal lived there prior to your feline, their lingering scents might have stayed. That is a problem because it prolongs how long it will take your pet to consider the territory their own. So, in addition to doing your move-out cleaning, ensure that the new space is sparkling as well.

On the Relocation Day, Place Your Cat in a Carrier

As movers won't move living beings - including pets and plants, it will be up to you to relocate your feline. That means that when the relocation day comes, you have all their basics on you - like a small litter box and some food. Of course, you'll need to put your furry friend inside of a container. And while you might feel like it's a good idea to let them out of it while you're in the car - resist this urge. It could complicate matters further, and trust us, even if your feline seems anxious in the transporter, they will calm down for a while.

A cat sitting in a room full of packed items

#4 Give Them Time to Adjust to the Place

Once you've arrived at your destination, you'll want to feline-proof the home as well as close all windows and doors. You'll want to place their food and litter box in the space as well, as these are important for your pet to understand this is their home now. Most often, when a feline gets to an unknown place, they'll hide beneath furniture and in corners, before they start to slowly explore the space. Try introducing them to the space room by room, and if they seem too stressed by it, try leaving them in one space until they feel comfortable.

How Long Does It Take for a Cat to Get Used to a New Home?

Every feline is different, and the number of days or weeks they will require to feel safe may vary in relation to a number of factors. Still, if you notice your kitty is still not settling in after a few weeks, consider talking to a vet. However, consider the following factors, and how they relate to your pet. Here are the main ones that will help you get an idea of when the house will truly become a home to your kitty:

     Age is an important factor of accommodating - Kittens tend to feel safe while a change is underway more easily, as they don't have too much experience under their belt. On the other hand, the older they are, the harder it will be for them to adjust to an unknown territory. They might struggle to get used to different smells and spaces, however, don't worry. Once they manage to leave their scent around, feel their litter and food scents, they'll start adjusting more.

     Trauma can increase the length of the adjustment period - If your kitty survived a trauma, or maybe even lost a few of its nine lives, a change might be a more difficult thing to go through. They might feel more anxious or be more fearful than a regular animal would. So, just make sure you're patient with the transition.

     A big change in the environment can be impactful - If you and your loved animal are changing cities, or going from a country scape to an urban one, the change itself might be more impactful. Even if your kitty stays in the house, they are attuned to environmental factors like noise, air, and humidity, and might be a bit more confused at first.

A cat that was just relocated by a moving company

#5 Keeping Up Your Pet's Day-to-Day Routine Will Help Them Adjust Quicker

It's good to keep your, and your kitty's routines the same after a big move. This will give them a sense of comfort and normality and could get you to feel more safe as well. Cats tend to wake up and go to sleep with their owners, so keeping these times as normal will surely make an impact. Likewise, keep the feeding periods and periods of cleaning their litter tray the same. If you are relocating with a new person, be prepared that your feline might need some time to adjust to their new roommate.

A girl and a cat reading a book together

Use the App to Compare Moving Companies and Find the Best One to Help You Move Today

Now that you know how to relieve your kitty's relocation anxiety, you should think about your own. And with our moving app, soon there won't be any. If you are on the lookout for movers to help you relocate, you should get familiar with the first app for moving - Mod24. Mod24 features make up a one-of-a-kind moving company app that lets you find relocation rates, compare companies and quotes, find out how much movers cost, and do all of this out of the comfort of your own home.

Even more importantly, it allows you to avoid the common and grave relocating industry challenges and issues that might complicate your move - one of them being relocation scams. Our platform will not only introduce you to the most reliable and safe companies but let you choose the one that suits you best among all of these credible, licensed companies. So, just download the app, and we'll do the rest. And if you have any questions regarding our platforms, feel free to contact us in just a few simple clicks. 

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