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What Can MOD24 Bring to the Industry?

Aug/24/2020 12:00 PM- Moving -

The moving industry is an ever-expanding sector of the economy with countless professional local, long-distance, and international relocation companies providing various services to Americans on the move. Millions of people relocate every year in the United States, and that trend isn't going away anytime soon. So, what can MOD24 bring to the industry? Quite a lot, actually. It can make life easier for companies and clients alike, and that's the ultimate goal.

We Aim to Modernize the Industry

If you ask anybody what are his or her first associations on relocations, and especially long-distance ones, it would probably be the stress and time-consuming process of discussing the ins and outs of the move with various sales representatives of various shipping companies who try to sell their offer as the best one. With MOD24, it'll all be in the past. The only thing a person moving will need is a device with an internet connection - a tablet or a smartphone. And these days everybody has at least one of those.

What Is MOD24

Remember how, seemingly ages ago, it was complicated and energy-draining to find a hotel to stay in? Sifting through the brochures, and then calling number after number until, maybe even hours later, a place had available rooms for a suitable price at the convenient date. And then booking.com and AirBnB appeared and consigned it all to history. 

We wish to achieve that in moving, with the apps that will provide all that is necessary to every participant in the relocation process. Our app is designed to allow potential clients to compare the offers and prices with just one click, but also track the progress of the relocation process and plan the start of their new life much more easily. 

To put it simply, we want to bring to the market a reliable relocation booking tool for the 21st century.

Dispatch and Foreman's Apps

On the other hand, companies will be able to run their business through the dispatch app entirely. From prices, contracts, and reports to the allocating employees and trucks and keeping tabs on available dates. In short, the app can serve as companies' system for customer relationship management. The goal of our software is a vast improvement in the moving business workflow. With the dispatch app, handling all aspects of the relocation process will require much less time. And time is money.

Finally, truck drivers will have their own app, where they will be able to check up the daily updates and tasks, such as on which address they should go and at what time, as well as note that work's start and duration. 

MOD24 Will Bring Together All Reputable Companies

One of the biggest stains on the industry's image are those companies that base their business model on scamming people. We heard numerous stories of people who were told one price before the move and ended up paying much more before the process was over. 

That can take many forms. Additional expenses can be hidden in the fine print of the contract, for example. Some companies turn to the lowballing practices, with the ridiculously low initial quote and astronomical fees for everything they do after the relocation is booked. Those are the examples of dishonesty on behalf of the moving companies. But there are also some outright criminal practices. 

Some companies will resort to the infamous practice of keeping a client's belongings hostage in their storage units until the client pays the usually arbitrarily set amount of money. And there are fraudsters who will ask for the upfront payment in cash and then disappear, never to be heard from again, at least by that scammed client.

The goal of MOD24 is to eliminate such practices from the market and allow people in need of relocation to be sure what they are getting for their money, and what the price will be. With our app, you, as the client, will have in front of you the data of the shipping companies operating in your area. But there lies the catch. There won't be listed all companies, but those that were thoroughly vetted and double- and triple-checked for any signs of malpractices. With our service, you can be sure that you're browsing through the offers of honest movers. Those who have your best interest at heart. That largest of all clients' fears - that their belongings are handed to the inexperienced or incompetent movers - will have no place in the process anymore. The top item on almost all relocation checklists, finding a reliable professional relocation company, can be safely dismissed. With MOD24, there are no unreliable companies.

Overcoming Other Challenges and Issues

Scammers and fraudsters are a blight of the industry. But even if you get past them, there are a lot more moving industry challenges and issues that complicate the relocation process. MOD24 aims to eliminate them all.

The first big issue is communication, or rather lack of it. Many people complain about being unable to talk to the sales agent that booked their move, and also on the slow reactions of customer care departments. Also, conversations with the sales representatives tend to last forever. With our app, you probably won't have to speak to the sales department ever again.

Another common issue is control. In most cases, once the client's belongings are packed and loaded onto a truck, said client is practically left in the dark about it all until the truck arrives at the destination, and all boxes and other stuff are unloaded. The client is in no position to learn anything about the eventual troubles on the road. With MOD24, tracking the relocation process becomes a walk in the park.

Then there's the vital matter of prices. Our aim is to rid the industry of unreliable or outright dishonest estimates and quotes that skyrocket once the process begins. We wish to create an environment where what you see is what you pay. No exceptions.

The next issue is false marketing. Since writing on the internet is free for all, many companies will resort to the practice of fake reviews. Such posts aren't very difficult to recognize for what they are, but still, there are people who are in a hurry or don't give too much attention to such details. Fake reviews are one more thing that can't find its way to our app. The system to weed them out is put in place, with several levels of checkups and moderating.

How Will it Work?

We can spend days laying down the problems of the industry and telling you that we've found the solution. However, it doesn't count for much without some concrete proof. Well, we have no secrets. Here's how the process flows with our app:

To clear one thing here and now - only licensed companies can apply to be visible to clients. Applications are checked by MOD24 administrators and then approved or denied. Once approved, the company can turn the visibility of its information on and off, as it sees fit. Additionally, companies can apply individual movers and trucks for verification. The point is that only approved companies and movers will be available to clients.

When a prospective client begins browsing through companies on the website, they will insert their address and preferred relocation date. Then only will remain the prices of those moving companies who operate in the client's area and have free slots on said date.

And the client won't only see the cost of services but will be able to pick between options. Options such as specific number of movers or trucks, for example. And for each of them, he will see the exact price. Clients will also be able to learn more about each company, too, by photos, reviews, ratings and alike.

Once they find a suitable offer, clients will have to sign up and leave their personal data, e.g. name, email, and phone number, as well as credit card numbers. That is done in order to verify that the real person is booking a relocation and not a bot. Finally, the client can go through all the details once again before booking the date.

Booked relocation date will then appear in the chosen company's Dispatch app. If not all details are clear, a sales representative can get involved to iron them out with the client.

You can say that such a way of arranging a long-distance move is no different than the online reservation of a table in a restaurant.

Companies' Profiles

Moving industry is a competitive one, and we have no wish to stifle that. Companies are able to set up their profile as invitingly as possible, while staying in the limits of reality, of course. That means they can insert their logo, description of the company, and also images representing the company and its movers.

Foreman App's Benefits

Once the relocation is booked, the company can use the Dispatch app to assign a driver for the said move. Once that happens, the driver, or foreman, will see the updated schedule, and also the client's contact information. Then he can call the client and arrange for the moving day details.

We'd Like to Usher in a New Era of Moving

Years in the industry tend to lay bare all the failings in existing business models. We listed some of the most common, but be sure there are more. We aim to remove them all altogether. And we wish to do that by putting the client, and his needs, in the heart of our endeavor. And we showed you how we plan to do that - by facilitating the contact between serious clients and fully legitimate and reliable movers. We believe that's a great first step toward overcoming some of the common problems the industry has been faced with and pave the way for a new era of moving.

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