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The Best Stress Free Moving Tips

Let’s face it - relocation ain’t easy, and there may not be such a thing as a stress free moving experience. There’s a lot of chaos and nervousness associated with it, and that’s why many people want to know how to make moving less stressful. While this may not be a joyful ride, it doesn’t have to be a horrendous ordeal that only prolongs itself and gets worse with time. You can do things to ensure that you get it done right, on time, and with minimum tension. And, we’re more than happy to share with you our stress free moves and packing tips, so read on.

There are more than a few ways your relocation can go smoothly.

How Can I Have a Stress Free Move?

First off, you gotta be prepared for your life to be uprooted and kind of hectic for a while. Get into this with the right attitude, and prepare yourself well. That means you’ll have a lot of planning to do, and you’ll need to make many lists. You’ll also need to take a deep breath and relax every once in a while and focus on the main point - you and your family are moving into a new home, and once you’re there, it will all be worth it. Today, we’ll share some best stress free moving tips on things you can do to make the transition as easy and smooth as possible.

Why Is Moving So Stressful?

Relocation is one of the top stressors a person can experience in a lifetime, right there with divorce, death of a loved one, or loss of a job. According to some studies, it’s even more stressful than divorce, and relocating because of a divorce is especially tough. 

Why is it so? It’s a major change in your life, especially if you are relocating to another state or country. There are also many tasks to be accomplished, which can leave people overwhelmed. And it can leave you feeling out of control and in a mess - and your home is likely to look it, as well. And this will affect everyone’s mood and emotions, making it even harder. But, stress free moves and packing are possible, and that’s why we are here!

 Relocation is a major change but it can bring you joy.

How Can I Stay Calm While Moving?

Before anything, you gotta prepare yourself mentally for what you and your family are about to go through. Accept that your life is about to get a bit hectic and a lot is going to be going on. You’ll have boxes everywhere, many things to do, and you won’t be able to find your things half of the time. Things won’t always go according to plan, and deadlines could be broken. But, this won’t last forever, and before you know it, you and your family will be enjoying life in your new home. When you do, the reward will totally be worth the trouble and the effort. With that in mind, accept that you will be living more chaotically than usually, and prepare for it mentally. Don’t forget to take a deep breath from time to time and take a break. It will help you get through.

 Accept that everything will be hectic for a while but have some “me time”.

Take the Time to Make a Plan

Don’t start with anything before you’ve created a detailed plan. Plans are good. Plans keep us organized. It will also make you feel in control of the situation, which will result in you feeling much more relaxed. So, make a detailed plan of everything that needs to be done during this period - relocation-related and otherwise. You don’t want to get too caught up in this whole relocation business and forget to enroll your kid in a new school or pay the bills on time. That’s why make a plan of everything that needs to be done in the old house, new house, packing, other tasks, family-related things, and really anything you will need to do during this time. It can be on your phone, computer, or on a piece of paper - whichever makes it easier for you.

Lists Make Moves Free of Stress

Once you start making plans, you’ll soon realize that lists are about to become your best friends, too. The first list you make should be the moving to-do list - everything you need to do for the move according to importance and dates by it needs to be done. Then you should set a budget. It’s important to set it early on, as you’ll need to know what kind of moving services you can use and how much can go for packing supplies. To make sure you stay on budget, create a detailed relocation expenses checklist. It’s easy to go beyond your budget during relocation, so allocate how much you can spend on what, and keep track of each penny you spend.

 Having a checklist will make everything easier.

Find a Reliable Mover ASAP

Don’t wait long to start searching for the right moving company. In fact, you should have a mover booked early on, preferably as soon as you find out about the move. Doing things ahead of time will generally prove to be a life-saver during this period, especially things as important as having a trustworthy relocation company. Make sure the mover you decide to book is licensed, insured, and reputable. You can ask your friends for references or check the reviews online to see what people say about their services. And once you have your budget figured out, you’ll know what mover and what services you can book.

Use a Moving App to Find a Trustworthy Mover

If none of your friends have moved recently and you have no one to ask for references, it might be a good idea to use an app to compare moving companies and find the best mover. Keep in mind that everyone can rent a truck nowadays and call themselves a mover. There are many scammers out there as well as unprofessional companies that could turn your relocation into a disaster. Reviews can be fabricated or manipulated easily, too. 

However, if you use an app for moving to find a relocation company near you, you will be sure that you are looking at vetted and licensed professionals. No matter if you are moving to Seattle or some smaller place like Auburn you’ll also be able to see reviews and prices with a click of a mouse. Real reviews, as you’ve got to book a service before posting one. This is not only a safe way but also a really quick and easy way to find a reliable mover, so we highly recommend it.

 Professionals will make everything easier

Take Care of the Utilities and Enjoy Stress Free Moving

Don’t wait for the last day to get your utilities in check. You don’t want to come to a house where there’s no heating or electricity, do you? So make sure you don’t wait long to connect your utilities. Put it on your list, and do it early, so you don’t forget about it or leave it for the last day, which can get you stressed out. Make sure you notify the company you choose of your move-in day, so they can get you connected before that. The same goes for the internet and cable. With the lockdowns going on, you don’t want to be stuck in your new house without the internet, believe us. Do you know who would hate it even more? Your kids, if you have them. So, to make sure they’re entertained so you can unpack without them being on top of your head, get that sorted.

Have Your New House Inspected Before Move-in Day, So You Can Know What to Expect

The best way to avoid post-move-in stress and headache is to have your new house inspected by a professional before you move in. You might have given it a glance already, but if you are not a professional, you can easily miss traces of corrosion or mold or faulty pipes. So, if you haven’t already, have a professional inspect your house fully, wiring included. Because, if there are some reparations to be done, it’s much better to do it while the house is empty as opposed to when you have already brought all your furniture, things, and your family. And much, much less stressful. So, make sure an expert gives your new house a visit and fix anything that needs fixing before you move in.

 Don’t forget to transfer utilities when relocating.

Use These Packing Tips for a Stress Free Move

While there may not be such a thing as stress free packing, if you pack in the right way, you will get moved and unpacked more easily and quickly. And, inevitably, experience much less work and hardship along the way. So, go grab the right packing supplies as soon as you know you’re about to relocate. You will need sturdy boxes of different sizes for different things, lots of paper, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, tape, and a marker. Figure out how many of each you will use, and buy just enough, so you don’t run out of gear in the middle of the process. You can ask your mover if they sell boxes and supplies, go to the nearest hardware store, or look them up online. For some lighter items, you can even use the regular cardboard boxes you could get from the nearby stores - that way, you won’t have to pay for those. But for artwork, electronics, fragile or heavy items - invest in good quality boxes.

Declutter and Do It Right From the Start

This the time to declutter, and the sooner, the better! You don’t want to have to pack, transport, and unpack things that will only go in the trash can sooner or later. So, figure out what you won’t be needing before you start packing. And get ready to let things go. See which items are ok to be donated and which should be tossed. Also, check if the charity you plan to donate to works during the pandemic since some have closed their doors to the public at these times. Then pack the items you already have in storage somewhere, proceed with the least used ones, and finish with the ones you use on a daily basis. Don’t forget to keep an essentials bag with things you will use during the move and in the first days of staying at your new home. Think linen, toiletries, medicine, clothes, and such. Each member of the family should have their own essentials bag.

 Get rid of things you no longer need.

Don’t Forget to Ask for Help

In times like this, you can always count on your friends and family to help out if they are near you. Even if they haven’t moved, they still get the picture of how stressful moving can be. And, as your friends and family, they will want to be there for you in a time like this. So, don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for a helping hand. That’s what friends are for. And everyone has to help during the relocation process. Maybe you need them to watch over your kids for a couple of evenings or take care of your dog, or help carry something in or out of the house - count on them. We are sure their help is there for the asking.

 Friends can help a lot during the relocation

Is Moving Stressful on a Relationship?

Relocation is a stressful period, and all of that stress tends to overwhelm the people involved and their relationships, as well. Both partners are dealing with so many things to do and so much change. All of it can take a toll on the relationship. So, don’t forget what’s really important in this process - you and your partner or your family, and the fact that you are getting a new home together. Don’t worry too much about small things like what to cook if you haven’t gotten the pots and pans out yet - just order in, have a break, and enjoy each other’s company. Things will work out eventually, and when you are unpacked and settled, you will be very happy in your new home. We hope our advice proves to be helpful, and we wish you the best of luck on this road to a new life together!

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