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The Ultimate Packing List for Moving Like an Expert

Did you know that over 1.35 million people in the US move each year without any professional assistance? If you're also planning to DIY, having a detailed packing list will help you keep track of all the things you have to do to prepare your belongings for the relocation.


Knowing how you are going to pack everything makes the whole relocation significantly easier 

Keeping up with the schedule is crucial if you want to secure everything correctly, so start planning as soon as you find a place. Failing to organize your move will leave some of your items improperly packed, which may result in some severe damage during transport. That's why you should consider getting at least some professional help even when moving to one of the more affordable Seattle suburbs.

Make a Packing List and Highlight Important Tasks

If you are not sure how to move efficiently, start by making a packing list. This will allow you to keep track of everything you have to do before moving out, ensuring you do not forget a thing. Making a schedule for each room will help you focus on the task at hand and allow you to follow your progress much more easily. Start by highlight the most important things that have to be done and then go from there. Depending on what you prefer, you can keep it short or go over all the details in a binder. Preparing your belongings might take some time, so if you have children or you're moving with pets, it might be better to let a family member or a friend take care of them.

 The list doesn't have to be excessively long to be effective

Reduce Your Inventory by Decluttering Your Home

While living in Downtown Seattle will bring you closer to several amenities, the housing units are not as big as in the suburbs or other parts of the city. If you are planning to move here, you'll likely have to downsize your inventory. Since we live in a consumer culture where nobody is immune to a big discount, you’ve probably experienced impulsive shopping at one point in life. Fortunately, you can look at the whole relocation as a great opportunity to finally declutter your home, as ridding yourself of things you don't really need will make the packing process a lot less time-consuming.

Don't Carry Over Unnecessary Things - Sell or Donate Them Instead

Do you have anything you haven't used since you can remember? If the answer is yes, there are several ways to deal with these unnecessary items. Your friends and family members may have a better use for them, so ask them to take a few objects off your hands. Donating is another excellent way to reduce your inventory. Giving away some of your belongings to a charity such as Goodwill can do a lot to help the homeless in Seattle. The organization is also one of the places where you can donate furniture in Seattle, saving you the trouble of moving that couch that wouldn't fit in your new home anyway.


Decluttering is also useful when you're not sure how to save money to move. Selling your things online on Craigslist or eBay can help you cover some if not all of your moving expenses. Finally, anything that's in such poor condition that it can't be used, sold, given away, or donated should probably just be thrown out or recycled.

 Decluttering can save you a lot of time and money

Get All the Necessary Supplies

Before we continue with our packing guide, you will need to gather some supplies if you're to pack all the things in your home correctly:

     Boxes - Make sure you get enough of these, as you do not want to fill each one to the brim.

     Paper - This material is so versatile it can be used for anything from padding the boxes to securing your dishes.

     Bubble wrap - Probably the best option for keeping fragile objects safe during transport.

     Duct tape - Necessary for securing containers and anything you've folded and wrapped.

     Labeling tools - While a sharpie is enough for some, you can also get some post-it notes.

     Dolly - Since you'll have to carry a lot of boxes, getting a dolly is probably one of the better moving tips on this list.

Utilize Your Clothes, Towels, and Other Belongings to Save Some Money

Utilizing some of your everyday items will help you save some money on supplies. These things shouldn't be packed separately, as they can be used to secure a lot of your delicate belongings. Socks and smaller pieces of cloth are great for stuffing shoes, while your clothes and towels can be used to fill out space in each container. Blankets are great for protecting larger furniture, and the best thing is that you can always wash them after the move. If you are short on boxes, laundry baskets are a great alternative.

 You can use clothes to secure some more delicate objects

These Tips Will Help You Choose a Packing Strategy

If you are not sure how to organize your move, doing everything room by room should be your main strategy. Securing all the objects in one room before moving on to the next one is a lot more effective than going back and forth to look for a single item you've misplaced. Still, this doesn't mean that you should fill out each box with the first thing within your reach. Try to combine objects with similar functions, like the kitchen cutlery or the bathroom's toiletries.

The Living Room Usually Has the Most Things to Pack

The living room is the place where you likely spend most of your time, so it's not surprising that it has many things to box up. Start with delicate pieces, as these will require a lot of time to wrap up properly. If you are securing a painting or a mirror, cover the surface with clean cardboard before wrapping it with bubble wrap and a blanket.


Electronic devices such as TVs and computers should be packed next. It's best to use the original packaging when possible, as it was specially designed to fit each piece perfectly. If you can't find it, wrap the bigger pieces in blankets while keeping the cords and other auxiliary components right next to the main unit. Things like a book or a CD may seem small, but they quickly add weight when stacked together, so box them up in smaller containers.


Finally, let's go over the furniture. Start by disassembling legs, arms, or any other component when possible, as this makes it a lot easier to maneuver when loading and unloading the truck. Cover large surfaces with blankets, and wrap with plastic when needed.

Shoes and Clothing Are the Main Things to Cover in the Bedroom

Besides moving furniture, your bedroom packing checklist is mostly going to include your clothes and shoes. Most of your folded clothing can be directly packed into boxes without much trouble. If you have many pieces on hangers, directly wrap them in large trash bags, as this will save you from having to fold each item individually. When boxing up shoes, fill each one with crumpled-up paper before wrapping it up. Your favorite pair of expensive shoes should be secured in their original box, while others can be boxed up together. Just make sure you pad all the containers with crumpled sheets to reduce the chances of any damage occurring.


You can keep the mattress clean with a bed bag or plastic, while putting bedding and pillows in trash bags should be enough to protect them during the transfer. Remember to keep all your valuables and important documents close, preferably in your backpack or a locked box, as you won't be able to replace them if they get lost.

The Bathroom and the Kitchen Should Be Packed Last

It's better to pack the kitchen and the bathroom last since you'll be needing them until the day you move out. Start by securing the bathroom toiletries in a zip lock bag to prevent them from spilling. However, it's often better to leave your detergents and fabric softener behind since they can easily spill during transport.


The kitchen has several things you should cover, the most obvious one being the dishes. If you are doing plates, wrap them in paper individually, then place them vertically in a box padded with crumpled sheets. Glasses and hollow objects should be stuffed with paper as well and then wrapped in a similar fashion. Make sure you don't overpack these boxes, as they'll become too heavy to carry, and you may even end up losing some of the dishes. Smaller appliances should be disassembled with the cord and components taped around the main parts.


Jars with spices should be placed on the bottom of the container to minimize movement during transport. Remember to clean out any leftover food and defrost the fridge at least 48 hours before moving out. If you want to avoid wasting anything, you can store refrigerated goods in coolers filled with ice.

 A kitchen is full of things waiting to be packed

Putting a Label on Each Box Makes Unpacking a Lot Easier

Unless you plan to completely unpack on the day you move in, label each box as soon as it's secured. Failing to do this properly will cause several mix-ups when unpacking, and some of your items may even get lost in case your boxes get misplaced during transport. Fortunately, labeling is straightforward. You can mark the room and contents of the box by using a sharpie, or you may use a color-coded system with different sticky notes for each room.

Keep a Detailed Inventory List

Having a detailed inventory list enables you to find any item you've packed easily. Mark a container with the room you're currently boxing up and a number that corresponds to the spreadsheet with the items in it. You'll be able to check if anything is missing, which is especially useful when there's a mix-up in the truck. You can do this the old-fashioned way by writing everything down or using some neat inventory management apps such as Sortly.

 Labeling makes unpacking significantly easier

Carry a Separate Overnight Bag With All the Essentials

Even if you are moving to one of the best suburbs of Seattle, you should still pack a separate overnight bag. Forgetting to put aside a few essentials will force you to look through each box with similar contents, and that's if you appropriately labeled them all. If you didn't, you might end up having to open up all the boxes right away, which can be pretty time-consuming and overall unnecessary. To avoid any inconveniences, check if you packed your backpack with everything you need for the first few days of moving in. The essentials include basic toiletries, bedding, daily medication, a few changes of clothes, keys, a credit card, a phone charger, and some snacks in case you don't have anything to eat around the house.

 Carry a backpack with all the essentials with you at all times

Find Professionals That Can Help You Pack up Everything

Even if you are a beginner, this guide to packing for a move should be more than enough to get you through the process without much trouble. If you still need some help, you can always look up a few movers to assist you. While finding a company that's just right for you is not that easy either, Mod24 will generate a list of all potential service providers in your area. There's no reason to be afraid of getting scammed, as all movers on our platform have been certified. Solving one of the oldest moving industry challenges and issues was just the beginning, as all the Mod24 features enable you to find a company that suits you the most. No matter if you are relocating to Seattle or even some smaller location such as Renton, you'll be able to get a quote from several movers. Compare the prices and reviews, and track your shipment, all on the same platform. Contact us today, and you can start getting those estimates right away.

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