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Are Moving Companies Essential Businesses in the Age of Covid-19 Pandemic

Oct/11/2021 12:00 PM- Moving -

The coronavirus pandemic still rages across the US, disrupting everyday life and forcing many businesses to stay closed for a very long time. Only a handful of industries were not affected by the lockdown, which is precisely why people looking to move are wondering, "Are moving companies essential businesses?" After all, these professionals make the entire relocation process significantly easy, so let's look at how the pandemic affected their operations.

Movers hired through a moving app

What Does it Mean to Be an Essential Business During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

When the Covid-19 pandemic started in 2020, state and federal governments passed a number of safety guidelines to combat the spread of the deadly virus. The "Shelter in Place Order" or "Stay at Home Order" helped flatten the curve, as 95% of Americans were required to stay indoors. Generally speaking, everyone was recommended to minimize all contact with other people. The orders didn't only apply to individuals but also to government entities and commercial businesses.

Within these guidelines, businesses were classified as either non-essential or essential. The first group consists of places people visit for social purposes or pleasure, including bars, theaters, gyms, and restaurants. These were hit the hardest by the said measures, which significantly limited or even prohibited many from operating. Of course, like with any rule, there were some very specific exceptions. The second group includes all services and professions that are necessary for society to function properly.

Post-it notes that say the shop is closed

Are Moving Companies Essential Businesses?

If you're planning on hiring a professional to assist you with a move, you must be wondering, "Are moving companies essential services during the pandemic?" You'll be glad to hear that movers are indeed considered an essential service. Most relocation dates are set to coincide with a new job starting date, home sale, or end of a lease, meaning they cannot be changed so easily. That's why it's vital to allow movers to work despite the coronavirus numbers. Like many other service industries, they will make the relocation process significantly more manageable, allowing you to move efficiently even during these troubling times.

 Can I Still Get Packing, Storage, and All the Other Necessary Services?

Considering each order is drawn differently, you might not see "Storage" or "Moving Services" listed among all the essentials. This doesn't mean that they are unavailable, but that they are simply listed under a different term, including transportation company, logistics, and highway and motor carrier. If any of these are mentioned, you can safely assume that you can still get storage, packing, or any other professional service.

However, it's important to note that not every company has continued to work since the pandemic hit, with many decreasing their output significantly. This means that finding an excellent high-quality service is much more difficult. If you're looking for something specific, a good moving app will help you choose a relocation company that has exactly what you need. Either way, it's best to contact the business you want to hire just in case and book a move as soon as possible.

A mover showing a moving company app on his phone

Are Movers Doing Anything Differently When Providing Their Services?

Considering professional movers often have to come face-to-face with clients and their belongings, it's obvious why companies have to follow all the safety protocols issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). While some of these measures might seem annoying or even intrusive, remember that they are there to keep both you and the employees safe, minimizing the chances of anyone contracting the virus. Some of the essential covid protocols every business out there should respect include:

     Federal and state guidelines on personal sanitization and social distancing,

     Frequent sanitizing of trucks and equipment,

     Wearing personal protective equipment (masks and gloves),

     Using clean packaging supplies and materials,

     Limiting the number of employees on the premises as well as in the truck itself,

     Social distancing when dealing with clients and among the crew members,

     Keeping the crew and trucks stored with hand sanitizers.

Many Moving Companies Also Provide Virtual Estimates

Besides following all the safety precautions we just mentioned, many movers also provide virtual surveys of your home. These are excellent replacements for traditional on-site inspections during the pandemic, as they allow you to get a free estimate without any unnecessary health risks. Considering nobody will have to set foot in the house before the actual move, you won't have to go through a ton of relocation stress just to learn how much movers cost.

Gloves, a mask, and disinfectant

How Do You Prepare for a Move During the Covid-19 Pandemic?

While it's good to have a plan for your move, relocating during the pandemic will require you to figure out every step in advance. While hiring professionals will take a huge load off your back, you can never be too careful. After all, your health and safety are at risk, so it's important to leave enough time for all the preparations. If you have anxieties about moving out during a pandemic or just want to move more safely, remember to:

     Only use brand new supplies - While reusing old materials and getting boxes for free might help you save money to move, a recent study showed that the virus could survive up to a full day on cardboard. Considering you can never be entirely sure who came into contact with these materials, it's best to just go to the supply store and buy brand new ones.

     Buy all the supplies at once - Although it's completely okay to go out for supplies several times under normal conditions, try to get all the materials and equipment you need in one go. After all, you want to avoid unnecessary contacts, so make sure to bring a packing list with you when going out. If you're going to be extra safe, just order what you need online.

     Secure enough hygiene products - Another great way to prepare for movers and the relocation is to get all the necessary disinfectants and hygiene supplies. Leave a few bottles of hand sanitizer at several key points in your home so that the crew can quickly get to them when needed.

     Clean everything immediately after relocating  - Don't start unpacking boxes and furniture until you disinfect your new home from top to bottom. Even if you knew the previous residents, it's better to be safe than sorry.

     Plan how you're going to travel - While relocating to a different neighborhood won't require much planning, those traveling across the country will have a lot more to think about. Depending on how you plan to travel, you will either have to book a flight or a hotel room. Try to pick something less crowded and make sure your reservations are refundable. This will prevent you from wasting money in case something comes up and you have to cancel the reservation.

Is it Okay to Move If You Have Some Covid-19 Symptoms?

If you or any family members start feeling ill sometime before the relocation date, it's important to be transparent about the situation. Contact your mover and let them know how you feel a few days before the move, as this will allow them to put additional protocols in place. If the company can find a way to protect its workers, there's a good chance they will still go through with the relocation. The answer will also depend on whether you've only been in contact with someone who tested positive or you've been diagnosed with the disease yourself.

On the other hand, if you're experiencing severe symptoms like a very high fever or have difficulties breathing, it's better to postpone the move until your health improves. After all, your well-being is way more important than any relocation. If you notify the mover a few days in advance, canceling probably won't cost you anything. Other situations where it might be better to postpone the move include covid spikes in your area or belonging to a high-risk group. If you want to be updated on everything pandemic-related, the official government coronavirus support website will have all the answers you're looking for.

A woman cleaning the stove

Considering All the Health Risks, Why Do People Choose to Move During the Covid-19 Pandemic?

It's no secret that the world has not been the same ever since the Covid-19 pandemic started in early 2020. Besides killing many and affecting the health of millions, it also impacted the economy, with many calling it the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. A lot of companies closed doors permanently, leaving thousands without a primary source of income.

Many people had to cut down their expenses just to survive the recession. Some did it by downsizing and relocating from a house to an apartment. In contrast, others chose to move to an affordable suburb or an entirely different state, preferably one with lower costs of living. This explains why many decided to leave California, as it has the highest income tax rates in the entire country.

The Expired CDC Coronavirus Eviction Moratorium Will Cause a Lot of People to Move

With new cases continuously popping up across the country, the CDC issued a Rental Eviction Moratorium that protected tenants from getting evicted. The order encouraged people to stay where they were despite their financial struggles, slowing down the spread of the virus until the vaccination was in full swing. Things were starting to look better, and about a year and a half later, on August 26, 2021, the US Supreme Court issued a decision to end the moratorium. Considering the order was not extended, each state will return to pre-covid rules on residential evictions after October 3, 2021.

If you're wondering why this is important, every renter who hasn't been able to pay their monthly rent will be forced to move in a hurry, leaving them just a few weeks to organize a move from start to finish. This includes everything from house-hunting and setting up a relocation budget to packing and relocating furniture and other belongings. While relocation hacks can make boxing up china and other fragile items much easier, there's just not enough time to complete all the tasks on the to-do list. Fortunately, movers have continued to operate all this time, allowing countless people to have successful last-minute relocations.

A stack of mail and unpaid bills

Planning on Relocating Soon? Find the Best Movers Still in Business on Our Moving Company App

If you're okay with all the health risks and preparations needed to make a move safe, hiring a relocation professional is going to be a must. However, considering there are all sorts of movers out there, you'll want to find a neat way to browse all the available options. While some might prefer to do everything by hand, it's much easier to use an app to compare moving companies in your area and choose the business that suits your needs the best. If all this sounds good to you, then you should check out what Mod24 has to offer.

Our awesome app for moving features only verified service providers, ensuring you never have to deal with a relocation scam. It's also very easy to use, allowing you to rent a storage unit or book a move with only a few simple clicks. You even have the option of tracking your shipment in real-time. All the Mod24 features we mentioned are there to provide you with a better relocation experience, so feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We're confident you'll find the mover that suits you in no time.

professional mover in front of its white relocation truck

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